2021 09 30
The wave of positivity caused by the growth of the global TransUnion is also felt in the growing Kaunas branch

When TransUnion acquired CallCredit in Kaunas 4 years ago, it was the largest transaction in the company’s history. This year, it was pushed into second place by fresh news: TransUnion is buying the US company Neustar. The acquisition aims to strengthen Fraud & ID’s market sales by integrating Neustar data and products into TransUnion’s service package.

Neustar’s annual revenue amounts to 1.2 billion dollars (for comparison: TransUnion’s annual revenue amounts to 2.6 billion dollars), the company employs over 2,200 people and serves about 8,000 business customers. So, it’s no surprise that this big purchase has grown the entire global TransUnion group by as much as 30 percent.

And although this growth of the company has not had a direct impact on Kaunas branch yet, a wave of positivity that has rippled through the market, has been felt here as well.

“Such steps show that we, as a global organization, are very serious about growing and successfully developing our business,” Daiva Gritėnaitė, Communications Manager at TransUnion Lithuania, says.

Up to 300 employees per year

Especially since the atmosphere in Kaunas is that of growth and development. While making work more efficient in the entire organization, most products are moved to the cloud infrastructure, and this requires high-level specialists, which TransUnion has been actively searching for and hiring since the beginning of this year.

“We really need .NET programmers, DevOps engineers and testers. By the end of the year, we plan to grow up to 300 employees in the Lithuanian office alone,” D. Gritėnaitė says.

On the other hand, new technologies also bring new training opportunities for existing employees. The organization, having a clear understanding of what resources future changes will require, decided to encourage existing IT experts to get cloud technology proficiency certificates free of charge and to provide additional cash bonuses for each of them.

“We are pleased that this initiative has attracted a great deal of interest from our employees, and we already have IT professionals who have obtained the certificates of the highest level,” TransUnion’s representatives say.

And this is not an isolated case when this international company shares technological knowledge with the employees of the Lithuanian IT market, thus promoting the overall growth of professional competencies.

TransUnion Lithuania is one of those companies that accepts a number of young professionals, giving them every opportunity to grow and improve within the organization. Each employee receives a sum of money for their learning needs, which they must use during the year – in agreement with their manager – to develop and improve their personal competencies. As a result, TransUnion has grown a significant number of existing employees in its organization.

Photo: Daiva Gritėnaitė.

“In my personal opinion, we are one of those companies that provides all the opportunities to grow and improve, so it is up to you how you take advantage of it. It is nice when the employees themselves develop and initiate various internal learning initiatives, when experienced professionals share knowledge with young talents. We value the internal culture of learning that has developed and are pleased that more and more of our employees are discovering its value. Culture is an important part of every organization, so it is especially gratifying that colleagues who have left and gained experience in other companies come back to us because they value us as an employer and the added value we provide. We have had at least a few such cases in the last year – and this is the biggest assessment for us, which testifies that we are moving in the right direction,” D. Gritėnaitė notes.

There are things to be happy about, as the accelerating development of technology and the need for professionals to create and service it is forcing all IT companies to review their internal policies and talent programs to remain competitive, attractive and visible. And this is often done using non-standard methods of head hunting. For example, for this year’s biggest goal – to hire up to 300 new employees a year – TransUnion Lithuania launched itsamatch.lt recruitment campaign, during which, in search of that best match, it decided to use an original channel for communication: Tinder. The results were not only satisfying but also exceeded the expectations, proving once again, that in order to achieve more, it is necessary to look for more diverse solutions and distribution channels.

While assessing the changes in the market of IT specialists, TransUnion Lithuania says that it has significantly strengthened its HR team and realized that that it is not worth relying on external recruitment partners alone – it is better to bring together strong human resource management specialists, who would only be responsible for the search of new employees and close cooperation because the positive results of this tactic are already visible today.

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