Information and communications technologies (ICT)

ICT sector traditions are developed in Kaunas since the 20th century. Thanks to our talented IT specialists, ICT companies are here to stay!

There are 611 ICT organisations registered in Kaunas
They currently employ 4,600 professionals
~3 300
~3,300 students are studying computer sciences here
They are being trained by four higher education institutions
From complex product development to programming services

The export of these services makes up the bulk of the sector.


Development and manufacture of telecommunications components in the field of the Internet of Things are catching up fast.

Raising young talents

In Kaunas, the highest number of qualified ICT specialists graduate from Kaunas University of Technology, Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas University of Applied Sciences.


Due to the growing demand for IT specialists, pupils begin developing their programming skills early on. Children as young as 7–12 years attend private IT schools and academies established by IT companies.

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